Sunday, April 27, 2014

Another visit to the dentist...

Last Wednesday, I went to the dentist again. He now has the bridge and denture in metal now. He is making them together this time. He did impressions for the bite. Things look like they are finally moving along.

This is an adventure I wish I did not have.  Needless to say (but I am anyway), I wish I had never heard of Kreativ Dental.

Monday, April 14, 2014

The metal portion of the bridge is fitted.

I went to the dentist last Wednesday. The metal portion of the lower bridge is welded together. It is no longer separate crowns. He says it fits well.  On the Wednesday it should have bisque porcelain on it.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The metal bases of the crowns are finished.

I went to the dentist again on Friday. He fitted the metal core of the crowns. There are separate crowns instead of a bridge so that each crown fits properly.

He then glued the crowns together so that they could be welded together to make a bridge. I see him again next Wednesday.

He used a laser to pare down the gums a bit to make the crowns fit.

It is over a year now that I have been having my teeth fixed this time. I am very discouraged. I am also annoyed that I am paying so much money unnecessarily.  Unnecessarily because if Kreativ Dental had done a decent job I would not be having any dental work done now.

Looking back on what happened at Kreativ Dental, I must have been an idiot to think that someone in Budapest would do a better job that anyone in New York. They are over priced and maybe not pretty in NY but at least they are hygienic and I never had a dental infection caused by a dentist in NYC.

I could not sleep so I am writing this at 2:50 AM. I could scream but it would not do any good. I am sitting here shaking my head over the whole situation.