Friday, September 8, 2017

Coronary Artery Disease

I got a call from my Cardiologist today. I have Coronary Artery Disease!!!! One of my arteries is 70% clogged!!!

Before going to Kreativ Dental I had a test and I had ZERO coronary deposits!!!!

F*ck  F*ck  F*ck   F*ck  F*ck

Here is an article on the relationship of gum disease and coronary artery disease:

Thanks Kreativ Dental !!!!

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Snarky remarks from Kreativ Dental.

Someone from Kreativ Dental is still sending me anonymous snarky remarks. If only they were so obsessive about the dental "care" they provide.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Two more checkups after the gum surgery.

I have gone to the surgeon twice more for check ups after the gum surgery. It all looks good. It is healing well. 😀

Monday, June 26, 2017

another gum graft

Last week I had another gum graft. This time it was on the other side of the bottom. It cleans up the problems on the bottom so that I can postpone the implants.

It was partially covered by my insurance. I had to pay $500 US.

It was not too uncomfortable. I am used to minor discomfort by now.

I am still on a soft diet.

I thought this blog would be long over by now. The dental problems continue....

Friday, June 9, 2017

attachments !!!!!!

Will the weirdness never end?

I went to a prosthodontist to have my upper partial denture relined and to have the plastic part of the attachment changed.

I knew that Kreativ Dental showed me one type of attachment and used a different type.

What I did not know is that Kreativ Dental used a FAKE attachment. They used a lower attachment for an implant on my upper denture!!!!!!

It is utterly amazing how many levels of thievery they have done to me.

The lower part of my mouth is not going to last the way it is. I have no choice but to pay again and have implants put it. I am told that implants are much more secure than the crowns I have now.

It is too depressing to think about.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

I am not spending another $35,000US for more dental work.

The gum transplant was about a 90% success. The gums did not grow all the way up, the way it was supposed to.

The gum surgeon sent me to a prosthodontist to have my partial dentures relined. He said they were not made well and I should have implants done on the bottom.

After thinking about it, I am not going to have it done. It would cost $35,000US. It would not be covered by my insurance since the dentist is not on my plan.

With the way my teeth and gums are now, I know they could go bad but I am not having more work done because there is no guarantee that it would be better. I have to stop having dental work at some point.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

New gum problems

I have been having gum problems. I was told that because I have had too much dental work that my gums are now fragile.  

The gums below the bottom bridge were receding. I had a gum transplant last week. It is healing. It looks about 90% healed.

The rest of the bottom gums look thin. The top where I did not have the infection and extensive work looks thicker and healthier.

Beware of unnecessary dental work, especially done in unhygienic places. The work I had done in Budapest was cosmetic and cause unnecessary problems.